
"Must it be such a complicated thing to come into the presence of God?"
"How much of God's power was spent in creation?"
"If you never get along with anybody who's not of the household of faith, you probably can't get along with many who are in it."
"Were it not for us (believers), God would have no abiding interest in this world."
"It's Groundhog Day all over again."
"It is very much better to keep yourself out of the story if you cannot keep yourself from being the focus of it."
"There is no true personal greatness at all--apart from a witness of Christ."
"Desperate people compromise godly character in order to achieve good outcomes."
"If He says 'Today', and you say 'Tomorrow', just know that you don't get to make that decision."

We Are Not the World

December 29, 2024
Where do your affections lie?
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