What Can I Expect at CtRC?
Our Services
We are a family integrated congregation. We believe that the Scriptures teach a model of learning in which the whole church learns together (Deut. 31:12-13, Josh. 8:34-35, Eph. 6:1-3). Nowhere in Scripture are we taught to segregate our congregations based on age. Why would we take those of us who need knowledge the most (young people) and separate them from those who have the most knowledge (our older saints)? “Folly is bound up in the heart of a child” (Prov. 22:15) and “He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm (Prov. 13:20).”
At Christ the Rock Church we give our children lots of opportunities to fellowship with each other after services and at fellowship dinners, but we do not take them away from the saints that have a lifetime of applied knowledge on Christian living. In Titus 2:3-5, the church is instructed that, “Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good, so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonored.”
This kind of discipleship is not happening in the majority of churches today. You commonly see: teens in youth groups; young adults in “college and career” classes; newlyweds in “young marrieds” classes, etc. Many churches recognize the disconnect that develops from this kind of separation and try to fix it with mentoring programs (which seldom work well). If we simply obey what’s plainly written in the Scriptures, we won’t need this segregation. Biblical discipleship will occur organically as Christians simply “do life” in front of and with one another.
In many modern churches, it is typical that a small percentage of the members/attendees are performing the overwhelming majority of the tasks resulting from all of these “programs”. This is extremely dangerous, because these workers are often not consistently receiving instruction from God’s Word themselves. The reason being is, for years on end, they are always involved somewhere else and are unable to benefit from their own church’s preaching ministry…and these are the people teaching our children!
At Christ the Rock Church we do not form our beliefs on what we perceive, or on tradition, but on “Scripture alone.” Come worship with us and we will train our families in God’s Word together and equip fathers and mothers to lead the way God intends (Deut. 6:4-7).
Our Worship
At Christ the Rock Church we love vibrant, reverent music. We enjoy a broad range of percussion and string instruments as well as the piano. We believe that while there are some musical mediums that do not facilitate corporate worship, what makes our music reverent is the deep, rich, theology in its lyrics. This is why we carefully choose hymns and songs that reflect God’s glory, His power, His grace, His mercy, and His love. We further believe that praise through music is not to be an intellectual disengagement into a purely emotional experience, but that a Christian is to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind (Luke 10:27).” Because of this, we feature music that focuses on the attributes of God, instead of music that is man-centered in its lyrics.
Christ the Rock Church has many exciting opportunities to volunteer. We are praying for people to come alongside us in our evangelistic endeavors. Since we do not have many of the typical “programs”, we are able to spend much time, outside of church, actively sharing the gospel in our communities. We are also praying for Godly men and women who can help with website maintenance and social media. No matter what God has gifted you with, there is certainly a place for you to serve here.
“So what should I expect in a typical service?” As a family integrated congregation, all age groups stay together for both services, so you don’t have to worry about who your children are with and whether or not they’re actually learning. We begin with a C.E. hour (Christian Education).
During this time, we deal with Christian apologetics, key doctrines, etc. For example, as I write this, we are in the middle of a three week creation apologetic series from a special guest who is an expert in six-day literal creation. Then we break briefly, before starting the main service.
After announcements we begin each service with a time of silent reflection, so that we may all focus on worship and reflect and repent of our sins. Then, the pastor leads a prayer of corporate repentance. Next, we recite the Nicene Creed (an ancient document affirming the fundamentals of Christian orthodoxy). Afterwards, we sing hymns/spiritual songs, and read selected passages from Holy Scripture. We hold the scriptures in high esteem and believe that God’s Word is so powerful, that the simple reading of it encourages and convicts. Next, there is a brief pastoral prayer, followed by the sermon. The sermons are overwhelmingly expository (verse by verse, passage by passage) but, we believe scripture instructs us that the pastor may at times preach a topical sermon to address a perceived problem or need. Finally, there is a closing prayer followed by the benediction (Jude 1:24-25).
We do not pass an offering plate during the service. Rather, we regard the giving of tithes and offerings as an act of worship, and provide a location where these may be placed.
How should I dress?
God doesn’t care (James 2:1-3) and neither do we. Come as you are but please dress modestly out of respect for those worshiping and reverence for Christ.